Monday, June 30, 2014

Otome Sunday: Soryu Oh (4)

   Alright readers! So yes, Otome "Sunday" turns out to be early Monday morning. Gomenasai. Anyways, I left off where Soryu brought me back to his home. Just when you think we're the only two people alone in his house.. Him, a male. Me, a female. Mhmm....

   WELL NO. You get Inui as well. And his cooking...

   *chuckles* Oh Soryu, don't be so mean. Inui is such a cutie. Soryu being who he is, tried Inui's charcoa-- I mean fried chicken and... Well, he coughed so badly I find it cute. So I went to get water for him while Inui was apologising to him continuously. When Soryu drank, he..

   Me, not knowing why he did that, got confused and had a questioning look on my face. Thanks to Inui, he explained to me what it meant.

   Somehow it's like a code or something. So I was happy that he thanked me. If I'm not wrong it's the first time he did so. Normally he's all angry and fierce but Soryu is nice. After drinking and clearing his throat. His reply was...

 Moving on, since Inui's cooking was terrible and inedible, I went to make some omelettes instead. Yes, I'm such a great cook, it made Soryu's face relaxed and giving me a little smile while complimenting a little.

   Forever a serious mobster. Well, at least I got a little smile from him, right? That's a first. Just when I thought I couldn't get any happier, Soryu wanted more so he...

   Not wanting to point out the fact that he likes it a lot, he said that he likes eggs. That's all there is to it. And Inui seemed to buy it because..

   After eating, Soryu went to take a shower, leaving me and Inui cleaning up the table. However, Inui has to leave because it's his duty to patrol around their office area. Then, it struck me. Oh my. Where am I going to sleep? He's leaving me here with Soryu alone? What will happen to me? We shall find out soon enough!

Signing Off,

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the finger tapping thing is a Chinese thing. It's mostly used in restaurants and basically used to say "thank you" when you can't actually say it. Like when you are already speaking with someone, or in this case choking. You can look up the origins if you want because I'm too lazy to type them out here. Just wanted to clear up that it isn't a code sorry.
