Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou Episode 12: I Want to Get Closer (2)

   Hello, Readers. Before you read this post... SCROLL TO THE POST BELOW THIS!!! ↓↓↓↓↓↓

   So, if you already have, then this is your reward! (人´∀`*) So, continuing back to where I left of, Ritsu and Usa then started walking home together but Ritsu  started to tear up... 

I wanna cry too... (。┰ω┰。)

   Usa saw this, tried to stop her but she said that it's nothing and that she was tearing up because of a paragraph she was reading. Usa felt hopeless and that he started apologising...

   Arriving home, exhausted from the atmosphere as well as being greeted by a petty, whiny Mayumi, they went back to their room. Usa was writing down notes of a book he has trouble reading. By notes, I meant a description of each characters because there were too many characters and it was a difficult book for Usa to read. (/ω\)

   With that, everyone gathered in the living room to talk and drink a Homemade plum wine. Of course, as per usual, those underage are only allowed to drink juice. So what were they talking about? Well, the Plum Wine has aged 5 years back so it brings back memories for Mayumi. And by that it means guys she went out with...

   Slowly listing down their names, it turned into lengths (*/∇\*)...

   When Mayumi was still talking she got interrupted by a voice, saying..

"You're a b*tch, but you still have a normal, happy life! It's not fair!"
"No kidding! But I'm no jealous or -- wait, who said that? ( ・◇・)?"

   Yes, it was Ritsu! (*´▽`*) Annnnd, she's drunk. She accidentally drank the wine, half of the bottle even! Readers, you HAVE GOT to watch it! If you have already, then watch it again! (`ー´) Her voice is so adorable! While she was drunk, Usa had some wild, lewd imagination going on, only to be stopped by Mayumi and Sayaka. 

   Ritsu turned back to Sayaka now, and said:

"You, Sayaka-san! You're not fair! You're a b*tch but you have a friend like Tsuneko-san!"
"Hold on, Ritchan. (´∀`;)ノ "
"And despite all you say, you and Tsuneko-san understand each other... Even though you're a b*tch."
"That's three times now. (;¬_¬)"

   After that, they all assumed that she actually wanted friends, and started talking about the mixer and maemura. A lot happened, and by a lot I meant RITSU BEING SO FREAKING ADORABLE! Ψ(´▽`)Ψ

   Usa tried to ask her indirectly if she gets jealous when Usa was nice to Hayashi (blonde girl from before). And...

Another cute moment ~~ When Usa stopped her from going out to buy dessert. 

   Even Shiro wants to join in after she said Usa is a masochist.

Shiro: "mmm?"

   Usa said he has snacks in his room, only to be stopped by Ritsu, saying she wants to follow him. Mayumi and Sayaka followed because you-know-why. Before going in, they stopped Usa and tried to have a search game for pornography stuffs in his room. (ノ´∀`*)ノ

   The next day, Ritsu came across Usa's notebook and read it, laughing at how Usa describe each characters. She wrote down her feedback in there, only to get the book snatched away by Mayumi (。・д・)ノ゙. Since Usa was not allowed in the room and had to stay outside, he heard the conversation and came in. Ritsu ran away when Usa read it.

   This final episode ended with them laughing and talking about the notebook. Usa wanted this to continue and finally (after 11 episodes) he got to exchanged number and email address with Ritsu. I'll show you some beautiful clips...

Readers, I will miss this anime so much. The characters, the feelings, the art were very, very nice.
Even though they stopped the whole thing and the most was exchanging numbers,
it was perfect.
Not too much, not too little. 
Just, Perfect.

Signing off,

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