Sunday, June 22, 2014

Otome Sunday: Kissed By the Baddest Bidder, Soryu Oh (3)

   Yes, it's time for some Otome Sunday! (* ̄з ̄) So, I know you missed this Badass Mobster Soryu. So Continue where I left off in the last post, what did he do to me? Well, basically he pointed a gun at my stomach. He did that to teach me how to overcome my fears, face it straight on rather than being... 

   After giving me that lecture/advice, I felt the pressure at my stomach started to disappear as he slowly remove the gun away. Looking down, I saw that he did not point the gun at me, instead it was the other end of the gun. The handle. (*°∀°)=3 A true gentleman despite being a mobster.

   After calling it a day, we head back to the Hotel lounge, greeted by all the others. I was still in cheongsam and these were the comments that I receive from Baba and Eisuke...

   Soryu being Soryu, ignored their comments. (ㄒoㄒ) While I was standing there, Mamoru blew a smoke out of his cigarette and it made me uncomfortable. Surprisingly, Soryu reacted to this.

   Mamoru teasing Soryu after his reaction...

Oh, stop it you.. o (◡‿◡)

   Soryu denied him and they started fighting. I was given the choice to either Stop Soryu or Mamoru, or just simply move away. Not wanting to tell the Mobster what to do, and also not wanting to stop Mamoru since I'm not that close to him, I picked the latter. 

   "It's okay. I'll just move away so stop fighting you two." And with this, Baba said..

   I can't stand it. Baba is hilarious. ( ^∇^) I might talk about his route next after I'm done with Soryu's. Wanna know how hilarious he is? Here's another scene after this.

   Yes, that is Baba for you. Quite a flirt. Moving on, Inui came into the room, quite surprised with two "Mei Lings". However, while I was worrying what to say (°◇°;), Mei Ling stood up and greeted him, using my name instead to introduce herself. (-^〇^-)

   The next day, I went for yet again another marriage meeting. However this time with an overly attached man who believes about "love at first sight" (」゚ペ)」. Me, being quite weirded out by this situation and having a guy clinging onto me, Mr Mobster Soryu came to stop him.

   After the man backed away because of Soryu, Soryu went off for a while because he has something to attend, leaving me with Inui. While waiting, the overly attached stalker guy came back for me because Soryu wasn't around. Inui then told me to run away, while he calls up Soryu. And with that...

   Yes, readers, it's exactly what it looks like. (ノ´∀`) Soryu's house! Totally look like him huh? Wait what. No. Suits him right? Why would a house look like someone? -facepalm- Moving on away from my stupidity, what do you think might happen next? All this "man and woman staying together in a house. What do you think happens next? Stay tuned to find out! (○゜ε^○)

p.s: Since I cant possibly do Otome once every week, because it's rather slow, I might randomly have 2 or 3 post per week. We shall see how it goes! Do look forward to it!

Signing off,

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