Monday, June 16, 2014

Gokukoku no Brynhildr: Episode 9

   Hello readers! Yes, it is Monday but I'm so happy~ Why? Its the school break! ( ̄ー ̄) Anywhale, if you notice I changed the whole layout of my blog. Is it better? I hope it is because you, readers, are important. So, with that done, I shall talk about Brynhildr in the Darkness. I just noticed there are two more episodes so the latest on is 11. But I'm only at 9 so I'm sorry but I will catch up ASAP. ヘ('◇'、)/

   So, my latest post on Gokukoku no Brynhildr is when there is this mystery witch, covered in a huge helmet and drapes. Well, this is Nanami Tokou, and basically she has the power to mess with someone's mind, but on one condition which is only through her eyes. (⊙...⊙ )

Omg, you look into her eyes. You okay there?

   Anyways, she went with one of the lab people in search of finding the other witches and Ryouta. However, while carrying out her job she accidentally erase part of the memory of the "lab guy" (Sorry, I forgot his name.) because his sunglasses fell off. So with that, Nanami went off on her own, trying to live a normal life of girls her age. (。┰ω┰。) While finding some sweets for her to eat, she has no money so she went back to the guy and...

"I'm okay with lending you money, but will you actually pay me back?"

   So firstly, she got 1000 by...

"That's some pretty nice coloring."(*ノ▽ノ)

*chuckles*(*/∇\*)  Long story short, she managed to get the money from him, only to come across two boys fighting about a card that dropped into a lake and in order to stop them fighting she gave the money so they could buy a replacement. Back to square one, she went back and earn more by showing her armpits.

   Moving on, she managed to find Ryouta and after thinking she erased his memory before, she went on with doing her own stuff while in search for Kuroneko and the other witches. However, Ryouta was only acting as if he has lost his memory. (人´∀`*) So when they met again, this time she messed with Kuroneko's memory and made her as a weapon and protection. ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ


   So how did they manage to stop Nanami, with Kuroneko by her side? You have to find it out readers! 100% no cliffhangers! *happy sigh* (´ω`)

Signing off,

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