Thursday, June 26, 2014

Kamigami no Asobi Final Episode: Eternal Separation (2)

   Alright! As promised, here's the remaining characters of Kamigami no Asobi! First up, Apollon ! We have to admit he's is a total sweetie. \(*T▽T*)/ From how he comforted Yui, to bringing her over to Balder, and let's not forget to mention at the end when he actually declared his love for Yui with the look on his face.

   Oh, his god-form is actually really cool, and that slit though. (●♡∀♡) Plus the abs. (●♡∀♡) (Sorry I can't help it.) That booty too. (●♡∀♡) We need to thank the producers for giving us not only Loki's but Apollon as well. When each of the god's said their farewell to Yui at the end, they kept Apollon as the final one, saying..

"Fairy... I love you. Goodbye."

   Just that and I felt so sad. (ノдヽ) Though it's not fair. Shows that he's the only one who has feelings for Yui. But that's him. Moving on, who's the other Greek god? HADES ~

   How Hades saved some students from a boulder that came crashing down by going underneath it. Ah, and the blood at his head from the impact, we see quite a muscular sight of him really. ヽ(^Д^)ノ His god-form though, was I the only one who's fascinated with the glowing light beneath him (≧∇≦)/ and his heterochromia? O(≧∇≦)O

Look at his shoulders, DAYUM. (ノ´∀`*)ノ

   Although Apollon was the one who got to confess his love, I'm happy Hades was the first one to say farewell to Yui.

   Moving on, I have nothing much to say about Dionsys, except well, his god-form is cool like Apollon (because it's sort of the same). And his powers? It's hilarious (readers, if you're one of his fans, I apologise). Seriously though, wine/juice coming out from a tiny cup? (ノ^∇^) Well, if there's history behind it, I cant say much. (/。\)

   Let's not forget about Thoth and Anubis. Well, I just wished Anubis had much to talk about in the whole anime. I kinda like Thoth after Hades, and I will miss him AND his wall-slamming moments. ~(>_<。)\) I wished Thoth would turn into his god-form and show us his magnificent wings. Oh well, last wall-slamming moment we will see:

Special pic I found, he should go all out and... ( ^∇^)

    Lastly, Yui Kusanagi. The human who taught all the dorky gods about love and feelings. Unlike any other main female in otome animes, I will declare that she is by far my most favourite. (-^〇^-) She doesn't give in so easily, she's not that soft and not so vulnerable while facing the men around her. Oh, and her feelings at the end! Yes, I almost cried. o(╥﹏╥)o I mean c'mon. She started spacing out, and that depressed face of hers...

"Teach us again okay? We want you to teach us!"

Such, beautiful ending. I will miss this anime a lot. I will miss each of the characters, their jokes, their silliness and everything! 

Signing off,
(Special Kamigami no Asobi) Miss Saru

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