Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Quick post: Kamigami no Asobi last episode

   Hello readers! Yes, this is just a quick post because I need to go off soon! I'll write about it when I'm back! Last episode, such emotions, such hilarious scene (to me, I mean).

   But I'm a little confused. Readers, should I write about an anime's episode, or should I just write a review like any other blogs? I'm confused because if I write about the whole episode, wouldn't you readers might already watch it? Hmm. I'll think about it.

   I'm not sure if I do have regular readers or just some "drop-by" readers. I don't receive anything from you at all. So, do me a favour and vote below every post (that you read) on your reaction to it. Thank you! It will be much appreciated.

Signing off,
Miss Saru

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