Thursday, June 12, 2014

Skip Beat! chapter 212: Turning Over a New Leaf

Welcome back readers! I will be talking about my favourite manga, Skip Beat! Have you read/watch it yet? Please do so! Onegai! ヽ(^。^)丿

Anywhale, it started off with Ren reaching the ground when he jumped off the balcony after being with Kyoko (and after giving her a kiss on the lips). He showed me how he used his princely looks to dupe people. Lol. ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Warning: Do not attempt this anywhere.

   Moving on, apparently, Kyoko had so many missed calls from Muse-sama (Ren's personal hairdresser who knows that Ren isn't Japanese). Actually Kyoko wasn't suppose to leave her hotel room because Ren was out and about in his true-self, Kuon.

"Oh, crap..." (ノ´д`)

   Anywhale, Kyoko went back to her hotel room and took a shower while Ren? Well.. let's just say he got an earful from Muse. He was late due to mistaking the time.

Too cute. ♥

   If you're wondering about this post title, well, I'm referring to how Ren has accepted himself (Kuon) because all these time he has been blaming himself for the cause of Rick's death. He holds a watch, stopped at a certain time, as a momento of Rick's death. (。┰ω┰。) Ren is right handed but he wears the watch on his right. I'm not sure why but I guess it sort of means that he does not forgive himself. But after meeting Kyoko, and talked things through. He finally switched to his left wrist.

   After having a make over to turn himself into "Ren Tsuruga" he went to wait for Kyoko and Muse. In the meanwhile, well, he's deep in his thought. (´ ▽`)

   Based on the "Skip Beat" fan page on Facebook, it's how he forgive himself so I'll say he's turning over a new leaf, but in turn, he wants a final request...

"...but please, don't ever let me off, no matter how many times I'm reborn in this world"

   Such deep words making me unable to sit still while waiting for the next chapter. I can't wait! (*°∀°)=3

Singing off,
"Yes, my Readers.."

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