Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hunter X Hunter episode 133: Forever Remembering

   Hello readers! Sorry for the late posts. At last, I can continue drawing and catching up on anime episodes! Why? Because... <insert drum roll> IT'S THE HOLIDAYS! \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/ Basically two weeks of school break but who cares? I NEED IT. o(>< )o

   Moving on, base on the title, yes, this episode is still about Meruem trying to recall his memories. And Pouf? He is still plotting on how to kill Komugi, as per usual.

yes, Pouf. And you should hurry.

   Moving on, let's go to the "good" team side. Palm and Ikalgo took an injured Welfin to carry out a task for them. Once Welfin does so then he will be free, he can go back to the King or run away, whichever he wants. (゜。゜)

   However, before sending Welfin off, Ikalgo had a word with him, about Gyro. Gyro is a leader they look up to before they turned into Chimera Ants. Basically they have memories of themselves back when they are still human. In this case, Ikalgo called out Welfin's former name. And that got Welfin quite shaken up, because he never told anyone before. (゜◇゜) Turns out both of them used to be buddies. Ikalgo told Welfin that these Ants are our enemies, because they were the ones who killed Gyro.

"How did you former name?" (/゚Д゚)/
   So after that, Welfin gets send off to act as a messenger to the Royal Guards for a trade. Trade Knuckle and Meleoreon for Komugi. Welfin only met Youpi because Pouf was busy. However, Welfin, still thinking about what Ikalgo told him had a few questions for Youpi. He asked whether Youpi remember any of his own human memories, which then enraged Youpi because it was stupid questions. With that...

"If you do not answer in 5 seconds, I will attack."

   Youpi's reaction?

   So what happened? Did Youpi answered? Who attacked who? Check it out youself! So, going back to Meruem who is still waiting in the tower. He flips over boulders and rocks and he found a piece that triggers his memory. Too bad Pouf didn't check under rocks. He made a mistake... (≧σ≦)

   Let's end this post with a very deep quote related to Meruem. *Clears throat*
The match is coming to an end...

Signing off,
"Where is my Sebastian?"

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