Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou Episode 12: I Want to Get Closer (1)

   Okairi Readers! This may or may not be a very long post because.. *tries to hold back tears* It's the last episode of Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou! o(╥﹏╥)o Either ways, I don't care if it's long, and you readers will most definitely read this till the very end!

   Starting off, the last post before this ended off with Ritsu getting dragged into a mixer. So Usa was very worried, imagining lewd things that a guy in the mixer might do to Ritsu. And then this happened.

   In fact, the mixer wasn't close to what Usa thought it would be. Apparently, everyone there have one common interest: Books! So everything seemed fine and Ritsu was actually discussing about a novel with another guy named Mitsui. However, he started commenting about people who aren't in the same league as them. (¬、¬)

".. after trying one easy book. And then they ask for a recommendation."

   Yes, Ritsu heard this and thought about Usa. When Mitsui asked whether she agreed to this, she gave a quick "no", and saying that "it's not normal to make fun of people for wanting to read more books" o(-`д´- 。). After realising what she just said everyone in the room was silent. But then he apologised and..

   I'm sorry but when I saw this I went... "HEY DON'T TOUCH RITSU. USA SHOULD BE THE ONE DOING THAT. HOW DARE HE!" (▼皿▼#) But then it got better because..

I literally LOL-ed hard when Ritsu shoved him away.

   The others laughed at him and told him to cut it out teasing Ritsu but then he said something that strike a chord in Ritsu. (。_。) "But Rit-chan's so much cuter than she was in the picture." At the same time, Ritsu phone rang showing Mayumi's number. She quickly went off to the restroom to answer but she missed the call. Instead, she got a text after that and it was from Usa!

   Ritsu then rejected Maemura offer of going somewhere else, saying that everyone at home is waiting for her to eat dinner. Ritsu alighted from the bus and Usa was there waiting for her. Aww. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) While walking, Ritsu sort of complained to Usa what happened and he told her "why not tell Maemura enough is enough?" Flashback: Ritsu said this to Usa before so..

Kawaii Ritsu ~

   Ritsu is so cute. The next day, Ritsu had a chat with Maemura and got mad about the picture she took before. The picture was the one that was sent to Mitsui without Ritsu's permission. Ritsu said something uncalled for, saying that "I feel that you just want someone who'll be with you all the time." After both parties apologised, everything seemed fine.

   But a few days passed and Maemura did not talk, text nor invite Ritsu home like she always does. Usa got worried, because Ritsu seemed far more lonely than she did before. (´_`) When both of them were going down the stairs together, Maemura ran past without noticing and joined her other friends. She said...

   *Sigh* She's so mean. ╥﹏╥ Don't feel so down readers! I'll post something that will cheer you up after this! Teehee..

Signing Off (For a few minutes),

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