Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Soryu Oh (2)

   Dear readers, I'm not the cheerful person you might think I am. But I'm happy that you are reading my blog. (:

   Alright! Welcome back readers! So, I know all of you have been waiting for Kissed By The Baddest Mobster! oh? Wrong title? Soryu seems like the baddest. *chuckles* (´∀`)♡ Anyways, the post before this I stopped where I was greeted by other mobsters of the Ice Dragons. So after that...

   I followed Soryu to his office room, and there he told me to put on a cheongsam. Like I talked about before, Soryu planned on using me as a substitute "Mei Ling" and go through some marriage meetings. And then I began protesting, only to realise again that there is no way I can protest again him. So I tried it on and then... 

   Soryu said that after "complimenting" that the cheongsam looks good on me. (゜◇゜) Well, to him it isn't anywhere near compliment. Moving on, So I went off with him to my very first marriage meeting with a "dangerous" man. (*゚ロ゚) If I must say, all these marriage meetings are with men who are either number 1, a mobster or number 2, some gangster who in all aspect not a "good" person at all. 

   Anywhale, after Soryu talked about some stuff with the man, the man turned towards me trying to start another conversation. An ordinary girl like me, doesn't know anything at all about the mafia, started the conversation by asking what his hobby was. (◎_◎;) As expected, he replied "Collecting swords and guns." I was there, not knowing what to do when Soryu said in an angry tone..

Why so serious, right? (°ヘ°)

   With that, the whole meeting was going downhill for me, which Soryu seemed quite frustrated about. He came up with an excuse to bring me outside to the hallway, only to nag at me.

He's so scary yet 'kakoii' at the same time. (^_・)

   After getting nagged at, Soryu left me alone while he settle some stuff with the man and went back in the room. As I heaved out a sigh, Inui came to lighten up my mood. Ah, he's so cute! Like an Inu. (。´∀`)ノ

   Just when you think everything is fine after you chatted with Inui, you came back into the room only to make matters worse. You overheard them talking about some mafia groups and then accidentally asking something confidential. Soryu's reaction?...

Yep, with that look it can only make you really, really guilty. (* ̄m ̄)
   So after the meeting ended of quite badly, you went back to Soryu's office, and was greeted by Kyoichiro. You were quite scared of him because he has a scar on his face. I felt so mean...

Stahp stereotyping. He's friendly. (-ε- )

   Like an obedient little puppy, you followed Soryu into his office room, only to get scolded by him more due to being timid. What really happened then? Well, lets just say he cornered you...

   Damn... He's even hotter when he's angry. So what do you think he did next? Kissed? Point a gun at me? Headbutt me? Stay tuned to find out! 

Signing off,

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