Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Kamigami no Asobi 11: Chains of Fate

   Hello readers! Welcome back, and it's time for... KAMIGAMI NO ASOBI! O(≧▽≦)O Hell yesss, I've been waiting so long for this.. Alright, I know it's just one week but you should know how it feels like when it comes to one of your favourite animes. But lets take the time off to say condolences to my two hamsters that died yesterday night. I'm still wondering how both of them died at the same time. o(╥﹏╥)o

   Anyways, in the last episode it left off with Balder suddenly lose conscious and fainted. Apparently, it seems that only a certain number of gods knew about what's going to happen next, and they are Loki, Thor, Thoth and Zeus. While Balder is resting in the infirmary, the others and Yui were sitting together worrying about his health.

Poor Balder... (ノдヽ)

   Yui, remembering Loki's words from the festival saying that Balder sometimes "lose control of his emotions and hurt others as well as himself", went off to check up on Balder. Apollon senses something and followed her, brought along some apples as an excuse to give to Balder. While they turned to a corridor, they saw Loki and Thor talking about something serious.

   They heard that Loki will...

   Surprised by the comment, Apollon dropped the apples щ(゜ロ゜щ) and with that Loki explained everything to both of them that Balder is not only the God of Light, but he is also the God of Destruction. "Lights always invites darkness, The stronger and brighter the light, the deeper and blacker the darkness." That's some deep words. (゜◇゜)

   The only way to stop Balder from turning into the God of Destruction is to kill him. However, nothing is able to hurt Balder except for a sword named "Mistletoe Sword" that Loki holds.

   Anyways, Loki requests for them to not tell the others but in the end, Apollon did after some time because, well, they are all friends. And their comments were hilarious. (^▽^)

Apollon: "Help me, Uncle!"
Hades: "Very well, I shall give you misfortune." ~¬)

   Moving on, Thor came rushing in saying that Loki and Balder was nowhere to be found. So everyone started looking for both of them, fearing that Loki has taken matters into his own hands. (((( ;°Д°)))) Meanwhile, both of them were casually walking somewhere into the forest. I'm just joking. Of course Loki was pressurized.

   Apparently, Balder knew what's happening to him. He knew that Loki was always there for him whenever he went "berserk", covered in wounds. And he's grateful of what Loki has done for him ever since they were kids. In the end, Loki burned the sword saying that he couldn't kill his friend. This moment is so full of feels, readers, I suggest you watch it yourself. {{p´Д`q}}

And in the end, another cliffhanger. But a very emotional cliffhanger...

   What will happen in the next episode? Will anyone be able to bring Balder back? Will Balder be killed? I can't wait as well!  \(>o<)/

P.s. Why do I have a feeling all of my favourite anime like "Kamigami no Asobi", "La Corda D'oro: Blue Sky" and "Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou" will all end at the 12th episode? *Sigh*..

Signing Off,

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