Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kamigami no Asobi Final Episode: Eternal Separation (1)

   Welcome back readers! So, I shall post Kamigami no Asobi differently. *cries* I can't believe my favourite Otome anime has ended. (┳◇┳) No, Hades... I'll miss you so much. p(´⌒`。q) So, I will write about this somehow differently than I always do. So, I will write about each of the characters regarding this final episode.

   Lets start with the main person in this episode, none other than the destruction/light god, Balder Hringhorni!

   I'd say he's one badass god. Who am I kidding, he's the god of destruction. (゜◇゜) I had a feeling that the episode will end with him destroying everything, having all the other gods to transform and stop him. It was just a hunch since I remembered episode 1 they showed a little of the whole fighting scene. So, in this episode, I love how after being saved by Loki, he rose back up with only one aim in mind,

"I want to rejoin the others..."

   It shows how much he's fighting within himself. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ Although, that's what Thor said but all I see was him just "sinking" within himself. Even so, it showed emotions so I'm happy for him. So who comes next? Of cuz, it's Loki Laevatein!

"Balder, I won't leave you on your own."

   First thing first, he did a great job saving Balder. *claps* I mean c'mon look at that intense expression, desperate to save his friend. Not to mention, his transformation though! I have no words. Just look at his booty. I'm blushing just by looking at his whole god-form outfit. (*/∇\*)

Booty on fire. Literally.

   *chuckle* Oh! not only that, after saving balder, half (or should i say 3/4, because of all that "skin" showing at the bottom) of his outfit got burnt/torn. (●♡∀♡) What's the biggie? Well, I find it funny.

Sup, Neko-chan.

   So who comes into the picture when Balder and Loki is mentioned? Thor of course! Even though he doesn't really stand out much, this episode definitely was great with him as the supporting character. And, I have to say, not only is he strong in his god-form with his hammer, but did you notice that long hair braid though? Looks hot.. ♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ)

   Speaking of strong, I'm surprised at Tsukito's god-form power. Compared to the others, he captured my attention the most. Not to mention when he transform together with Takeru after saving Loki's booty from being zapped by Balder's attack. (ノ><)ノ

"Believe in us!"

   Ooo~ Badass-note-taking-nerd Tsukito . Anyways, I will split this, and write about the others in part 2. Because if I continue, I'm sure it will be very long. Moreover, I have my bias Hades ~~

Signing Off,
(Special Kamigami no Asobi) Miss Saru

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