Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 11: Don't Have Any Friends (1)

   Hello readers! Seems like I'm on a roll, with extra free time and thus more posts to catch up on! (/^▽^)/ So yes, I will talk about Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou! After watching this episode till the end of the next episode preview, I am sad to say, readers, THIS IS THE SECOND LAST EPISODE. *cries* 。゜(`Д´)゜。

   Okay, so back to business. This episode started off with all the people in Kawai complex, watching the tv with cute doggies in it. Turns out, Usa is a dog person, Shiro is a cat person (Because, well he loves it how cats hates his guts. Typical Sadist.), Mayumi is.. well..

"Any single who keeps a pet get lured into a false sense of satisfaction..
and becomes incapable of  facing the reality that they are alone!"

   *Chuckles* Readers with pets, no offence. That's Mayumi for you. (Talking about pets, I have 3 hamsters... yes, you don't care. Alright moving on..) (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ Usa asked Ritsu is she likes dogs or cats, and she replied that she likes both, but big dogs more. Sayaka interrupted Ritsu by commenting that "Usa is like a big dog".

With this, Ritsu stomped off and leaving Mayumi with...

Usa: "Don't twist her words!"

   Aww, I pity Usa. And all he wanted was to have a normal conversation with Ritsu but both the "devils" have to toy with him. (ノ><)ノ Basically, Usa can't retaliate Sayaka because he doesn't know any of her weakness. However, as if its a miracle, suddenly there is a visitor who came that makes Sayaka disappear in the blink of an eye. Turns out the visitor, Tsuneda Miharu, is Sayaka's weakness bundle, all-in-one if you may say.

   Apparently, Tsuneda Miharu wants to stay over because she has a high school reunion nearby the next day. Sayaka disapproves of this but after Usa and Mayumi knows about Sayaka's weakness...


   So after that everyone was having a good time, drinking while disturbing Sayaka. Mayumi only wanted to hear embarrassing stories about Sayaka from Miharu, which I find very hilarious. Readers, you have to check it out yourself. The following day, Miharu was leaving after Sayaka has done her make-up.

Sayaka's magic make-up skills. I want it too. o(╥﹏╥)o

   Alright, I shall end part 1 here because there seems to have sort of two parts in this episode. Up next I will be talking about Ritsu!

Signing off,

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