Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kiniro no Corda ♪ Blue Sky Episode 11: Elegy of Love and Hate

   Hello readers! Yes, if you're wondering where I disappeared to, where the episode 11 of Kiniro no Corda is, where is everything, then I would like to firstly apologise to everyone. (シ_ _)シ Let me tell you what happened to me.

   I got scratched by a neko (=^・ェ・^=) , and then I started to feel uneasy. (´・_・`) My body got warmer. My eyesight suddenly became clearer so I no longer need my glasses. (◎_◎) And the next thing I know... I have a tail and neko ears! And then, I was declared as Miss OtakuNeko. omg.. OMG... yes, readers, I'm just being lame now. You just wasted 10 seconds of your life reading that. (≧▼≦;) Aww, don't get mad. Really though don't let this be the reason why you won't read my blog. Anyways, here you go! Episode 11 of Kiniro no Corda ♪ Blue Sky...

   Okay, so I left of where Kanade seek advice from TSUKIMORI LEN. (yes, I just had to caps that awesome guy ) Moving on, this episode was mainly about Kanade and Reiji, including the past they had seven years back. This episode started off with Reiji's sister, asking Kanade to "defeat my brother with your true performance, and help him move towards the future again. Onegai." Those some deep words huh? (゜。゜)

   Anywhale, while Kanade was walking and turned a corner, she dropped an amulet Arata Mizushima gave to her in the last episode. Moving to Amane Highschool, Sei Amamiya was seen packing his stuffs, ready for his flight. Nanami was worried as usual but Reiji did not stop Sei. After he left, Reiji got a text from someone and left immediately, leaving Sei wondering what has happened. ( ・◇・)?

Sorry, I couldn't help it. Reiji look hilarious in this scene compared to his cool side.  (ノ^∇^)

   Where did he go to? Well, the concours will start in 5 hours time and Seiso students are worrying where Kanade is. Everyone was searching for her and their only clue was the amulet. Haruto and Daichi bumped into Sousuke, only to be informed that Reiji was missing too. ヘ('◇'、)/ Yes, Reiji went to look for Kanade after he received the text. Who was that text from? This emo dude right here.. Takafumi Hido.

   He wants revenge against Reiji for picking Sousuke instead of him to play the Cello alongside him in the concours, so he used Kanade as bait. Hido tried his best, made a "speech" about how his sound and Reiji's sound were  perfect together, only to get rejected by Reiji. Ouch. Reiji commented that Amane High School doesn't need any "white noise" and thus, angered Hido. (▼皿▼#)

Reiji is mean. But I like it.

   Like any other music-related anime, you always need an "accident/violent/injured" related stuffs so that's what you get. Hido grabbed a pipe(?) but Kanade tried to stop him from hitting Reiji. However, Hido pushed her and she went infront of Reiji. Annnnnnd, this happened.

   Yes, Reiji protected Kanade, only to receive a hard blow on his back. Injured Reiji fell and Hido, being a scaredy cat, ran off saying "it's not my fault" (´Д`). Knocking over a very huge metallic locker, it fell and closed the room door they're in, trapping them inside with no way out. Oh, The cliches in this episode is over 10 000. 

   Locked inside, they talked about what happened between them 7 years ago, and why Reiji has that I-will-crush-you attitude towards Kanade, was because when they were little, they attended a competition together. So what's the big hoo-hah? Both of them played the same piece however, Alexei Zhukov told Reiji that he will never win, and that the promise between them will be cut off. (┳◇┳)

Kanade heard all of this so being her, she actually let Reiji have the victory. So what will happen to them? Will Reiji forgave her? What has it got to do with Alexei? And will they make it in time for the concours? Check it our yourself!

p.s. This episode was full of cliches and well, I just notice at some scene their art quality was just plain hilarious.

Signing off,

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