Sunday, June 8, 2014

HXH Ep 132: That Intensity...

   Ohayo readers! Good morning! So tired from all the hectic yesterday. So right now this is me: (=o=)" So what better way to start the morning with watching anime (that was released on Monday but I didn't really had the chance to watch). ^^"

   Anyhoos, yes I'm talking about Hunter X Hunter! ヽ(`◇´)/ This week's episode is about the King, Meruem. Ever since he lost his memory, his royal guards Pouf and Youpi (Pouf expecially) has been trying to conceal the most important thing/person that is able to get the King's memory back. I would say they aren't doing such a great job at it. (≧σ≦) Since even words can trigger Meruem's memory, Pouf wasn't so careful with his speech.

Meruem, when his memory is triggered. 

   One time, Meruem releases his powerful Nen to could locate four of his enemies (and one burden, lol). So with merely a few seconds he brought back Knuckle and Meleoreon, keeping them alive only to interrogate them later. (」゜ロ゜)」

Knuckle's face though... (ノ´∀`)

   Pouf and Youpi, afraid that he will find Komugi (the burden, but also the only person who will bring back Meruem's memory) started a contest so that Pouf could use the time to find and kill her. So they have a an agreement. If anyone could locate their targets first, they win. Meruem will find the two other enemies, Palm and Ikalgo. Pouf and Youpi will find Pitou. If Meruem wins, they will tell him everything. If Youpi and Pouf wins, he will grant them a wish, whatever they want. ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

Good luck in finding Pitou.

   So with this, Meruem was left in the tower while waiting for Pouf to finish hypnotizing the rest of the humans coming in to the area. What do you do when you're left alone? You think. And that was what he did... ( ̄^ ̄)

   Till next time..

P.S. what happened to Gon?

Signing off,


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