Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 11: Don't Have Any Friends (2)

   Alright readers! Time for part 2! (人´∀`*) Ritsu and Usa were in the school library, and as per usual, Usa always have to call out to Ritsu since she is absorbed in reading. They both went home together, with Usa satisfied with his "touchy-touchy" time. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Don't get the wrong idea. Since Ritsu always read while walking, Usa has to stop her at traffic lights when its red, and push her back lightly when it's the green man. And so...

Can he get any cuter?? ~(>_<)\)

Mayumi always makes it sound so wrong.

   Moving on, the next day, while in the library a girl, Maemura, approached Ritsu but she wasn't paying much attention as usual, so Usa was all loud, trying to distract Ritsu from her book.

If you notice, there's only one book on the tray, and he's not even on duty. (ノ^∇^)

   Anyways, this girl also has the same interest in books, just like Ritsu. They tend to spend more time together after they enjoyed discussing about certain books on that day. Day by day, they go home together, talking to each other more, and even go to the toilet together during class.

   Seems cute isn't it, seeing Ritsu actually having a friend rather than her reading alone. Well, you're wrong. It seems that Ritsu actually wants something else but she's unable to get away from Maemura.  (」゚ペ)」

Even Usa feels the same way... ((´д`))

   Anywhale, when they walked home together, they exchanged emails, so Usa feels all sad and jealous because he got beaten into someone Ritsu didn't even talk to until yesterday. o(´^`)o So with that, every single day Ritsu was seen texting back and forth. However, being Ritsu, that means she does not have a single amount of time to actually progress in reading her book. (▼へ▼メ)

   Then one day, Ritsu went out with Maemura to meet with two other friends, thinking that they are going to the library. Somehow, she got tricked and the next thing she know...


   What will Usa do? Will he come to save her? You need to find it out... 〈(゜。゜)

"Say what? A mixer?" (((( ;°Д°))))

Signing off,

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