Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kiniro no Corda ♪ Blue Sky: Da Capo of Memories (10)

   Okairi Readers! \(^ ^)/ It's Thursday, and I don't want the days to pass by so quickly. I want my two weeks break to be slow and steady! (>д<) Back to business, I will be talking about Kiniro no Corda ♪ Blue Sky! Gomenasai Readers because I was late in posting this, but no worries because I will post episode 11 after this. In the last post I left it hanging where Reiji left his violin on the table. Thanks to Kohinata Kanade, Reiji was able to perform as though nothing affected him at all.

   Moving on to this episode, it started of with Kanade worrying about playing First Violin. They went back to school and was greeted by the boys of Jinnan High School. They decorated the main room like it was their own, which I find it funny that they're starting to hang out with the Seiso High School group. (-^〇^-) Anyways, they commented that..

Poor Kanade. ( ゜ρ゜)ノ

   Moving on to Amane High School, Alexei Zhukov (kinda mean guy who makes use of music students for his own good), made Sei Amamiya go on overseas study because his music lacked "love". Yes, he dropped the concours in order to do so, leaving Sousuke and Reiji in disbelief. (ノ ̄д ̄)ノ

Reiji: "The competition will go on. I won't allow any other plans."

   After Reiji and Sousuke left, Alexi Zhukov went to find Kanade, asking her if she would like to quit Seiso academy and the concours, and to join his orchestra. 

Can't touch this.

   Fortunately, Nia came to stop Alexi. Turns out that Alexi is Nia's uncle. Before leaving, Alexi said to Kanade that "The only one who can defeat all your challenges, and rejoice in your victory is you." These words stunned Kanade ⊙﹏⊙, because she then remembered a little about the past which she forgotten. 

   Yes, that is Reiji. No, he did not say that but he has got something to do with Kanade in the past. Moving on, Nia brought Kanade back to the dorm and explained to her what happened earlier. Nia explained that her uncle is the "kind of guy that will do anything to actualize his musical ideals. But if he is dissatisfied with someone, he will cruelly cut them off." (°o°;) We can relate this back to Sei Amamiya, whom Alexei sent him off earlier. 

   Back to Amane Highschool, Reiji is seen playing his violin. However, it sounded dark and desperate (pardon me, I'm no musician so I do not know how to express it (ノ><)ノ ), which his sister who was watching him from behind said...

   Who else other than Kanade, am I right? Speaking of Kanade, she was still not confident about playing first violin in the last competition and was walking home when she heard someone playing Ave Maria somewhere in the cemetery. 


 YES, it is non other than Tsukimori Len! (≧∇≦)/ I have to admit, when I saw him playing Ave Maria to a grave next to him I thought Hino Kahoko died. (」゚ペ)」 That... would make me cry myself to sleep. But it wasn't! Anyways! Tsukimori turns out to be a very famous musician and Kanade asked him how does one plays like that. He gives her a word or two of advice which she kept on thinking about. 

   Readers, I would like to apologise for the very long post so because of that, I suggest you go watch it! There's more after this, like how the Jinnan Students practically made her climb into their car and brought her somewhere special. Do check it out!(。・ω・)ノ゙

Signing off,
Gender-bender baybehh

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