Sunday, June 29, 2014

Kiniro no Corda ♪ Blue Sky Final Episode: Blue Sky Grand Finale (1)

   First thing first, Gomenasai! (シ_ _)シ It's been busy. Yes, I know, I shouldn't make it an "excuse" to not write a post. I will try my best because as readers, I know it sucks to visit a blog which does not update DAILY. Yes, I FEEL YOU. (」゜ロ゜)」 Its like, visiting a manga site only to check that your favourite manga hasn't update yet.

   So, with that, I shall start this post. Like I said, all my favourite anime for this season has ended. I feel so sad. Really. No more reverse harem like (Kamigami no Asobi ╥﹏╥ and.. well..) Kiniro no Corda. So, the title to end this anime is just brilliant. "BLUE SKY GRAND FINALE". I like it. (´ ▽`)

   Starting off, I have to say, my bias in this anime? Reiji Myoga, you look hot in every shot. Compared to the episode prior to this. Teehee. Anyways, he and Kanade were saved from the situation they were trapped (literally) in and soon after they head on to their final concours. 

   While waiting, Alexei came and insisted on Kanade to follow him and leave the concours. Oh, how I hate him so much. Sei tried to stop him but...

Ugh, RUDE. 凸(`0´)凸

   Anyways, Alexei referred to the competition as a "game" and Kyoya went all defensive. Who wouldn't? 

   I loved how Kanade refuses him. She made it clear that she will not be swayed by him.

"Ask repeatedly if you want. My answer will be the same. 
This competition is the sky in which I'll spread my wings."

   And after that, I loved Nia and her sass attitude. 

   So, moving on to the final concours, Amane High School went first. As expected, Reiji only intends to "crush" Kanade with whatever he has due to the past. With that, this was how their performance piece was all dark, somehow depicting an eclipse. Yes, that eclipse is Reiji. However, looking at the brighter side, Sei Amamiya has finally understand "love" and is able to show feelings in his music. 

   How will Kanade save Reiji now? Watch it to find out, or simply, I will post about it tomorrow! (*^▽^)/

P.S: I'm having a terrible stomach cramp. I will end it here. I'm very sorry Readers. I'll give a more detailed and quality continuation of Kiniro no Corda. 

Signing off,

= no pictures for now D:

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