Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Otome "Sunday": Soryu Oh (5)

   Alright, alright. You got me. It's not Sunday AT ALL. It's Wednesday. Exams are coming and I'm currently in panic mode. What other ways to de-stress yourself, than playing otome games am I right?

   Anyways, continuing from where I left off last week, Inui went off, leaving only me and Soryu in the house. Soryu went out of the bathroom, and my look how hot he is with his hair not gelled up?

   Still, he looks fierce as always. Anyways, since it's already late, and it's time to sleep, this happened...

   Seriously, can someone do so while looking that fierce? Nervous, I just stood there wanting to say something but unable to. (May I just repeat that I'm taking a role of the character in the game. Raion-kun thinks I'm head over heels with a virtual character and I went: You're kidding, right? I'm not that crazy.) Anyways moving on, he reassured me that he won't do anything. Gentleman mobster.

  So, eventually I got flustered thinking we might get on the same bed but then he lay out a mattress on the floor, saying he wouldn't let a girl sleep on the floor when I tried to apologise. Aww. So he turned off the lights except for a lamp and I tried to sleep. Well, how about you readers? Think you can sleep with a hot mobster in the room? Guess not. *giggle*

   Unable to sleep, I took a peek at what he's doing. He was reading a book. A detective book. Suddenly blurted a question to him, "You like detective novels?" He was shocked because he expected me to sleep by now. I ended up chatting with him about the books he like, slowly little by little getting to know more about him.

   Why does he wonder that?...

   That's sad. But there's nothing we can do about it. So I asked him more and about whether he wants to live a normal life but he told me to sleep. Aww. Well, I have to listen to him anyways. So I tried to but..

   The next day, the stalker was gone and Soryu told me that it's fine to work at the hotel as per normal, but there will be a marriage meeting later on. So during lunch break I went to the convenient store to get something to eat. And when I went to the counter to pay, guess who was the cashier?

   It's Baba. He started laughing at my reaction, and I thought about what he is doing here. Imagine: A thief, working at a convenient store. Yeah, you probably think that he might be stealing stuffs here and there, that's what the character thinks though. I'm like, it's a normal job for heaven's sake, plus he isn't that lowly of a human to steal stuffs like that. Geez. Anyways, he brought me out to the park nearby for a little chat

   The reason he brought me out was to talk about the relationship between me and Soryu. He mentioned about Soryu's behaviour recently and teased me about how he thinks Soryu like me. Hearing such an absurd comment I denied it but..

   "Whereas when he's around you, it's different." Stunned and not believing his words I was nothing but confused. Anyways, Baba has to go back to work and thank me for my time. Afterwards, I met up with Soryu and got ready for another marriage meeting.

   This time in a restaurant and while waiting for guy, a group of black men in suits start barging in with guns. They start shooting the place while everyone were running around. Soryu with his "instincts", flipped a table and brought pulled me to hide and not to make a move. Trembling with fear, I can't help notice a small boy was crying in the middle of the room.

   Given the choice to either stay put, move their attention to me, or to shout at the boy to run, I picked getting their attention away. Soryu wasn't ready for this, called me an idiot and knocked me away when the man nearly shoot me. With that he had his own gun, shielded me and start shooting them. Inui came bursting into the scene with some other Ice Dragon members and the men in black suits flee. While Soryu was still protecting me, I saw that his arm was bleeding slightly.

   After that incident I went back with the others to the Ice Dragons HQ, and Soryu was being treated. I apologised to him about what I did and how the injury was because of me. 

   "No big deal", he said. But I still received a little lecture.

   After talking to him for a little bit, he went to his office room to rest and I was left with Inui. We started talking about Soryu and why he protected me earlier on.

   With that, I was able to know a little more about the whole mobster thing and why we got attacked earlier in the restaurant. Apparently, another group of mobsters were not happy about Bell Crickets having ties with the Ice Dragons.

   I'll stop it here readers. Because I need to do a little self-revision for my pratical test tomorrow. And, yes. I'm not in school right now because I WOKE UP 1 HOUR LATE. Oh well. But that also means when I'm done I will post another two to make up for Monday and Tuesday. Do stay tuned because things in Kissed By The Baddest Bidder will only get more interesting and.. uhm. Dramatic.

Signing off, 

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