Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Glasslip Episode 1: Fireworks

   Welcome back readers! In school today. *pouts* [(--)] It's been a very bad morning. Waited 25 minutes for the bus to the train station and then waited for 6 minutes for the train. To add on to that, yes, I was late for class. ヽ(●-`Д´-)ノ

    Moving on to today's post, a new Romance/Drama/Slice of life anime, Glasslip. If you haven't heard of it, then here is a brief summary:

Tōko Fukami's family runs a glass-working business in a small seaside town. She hangs out with her four best friends at a cafe called "Kazemichi." During the summer break of their senior year in high school, they meet a transfer student named Kakeru Okikura, who claims that a voice from the future talks to him, and that it's led him to Tōko. His arrival sets off a series of events that will make their final summer together one full of hope and heartache.

   So here are the characters!

These two above are probably the main pair. Toko Fukami and Takeru Okikura. They first met at the summer festival, however only Kakeru noticed her. I'm very interested in these two and wondering how things would unfold. Oh, Takeru isn't part of the "group". He's a transfer student.

Moving on,  the I-have-feelings-for-Toko / School track team runner, Yukinari Imi. And the I-have-feelings-for-Yukinari / the Tsundere Model-in-training, Yanagi Takayama( ̄ー ̄)
Yes, there is that much drama between these two. Yanagi is jealous of Toko, and feeling quite irritated by it whenever she sees Yukinari being nice to Toko.

And these two cuties, Sachi Nagamiya and Hiro Shirosaki. Well, Sachi is quiet and soft spoken, which Hiro finds it cute. Yes, he has feelings for her. I mean come on. When Sachi wears that 3D (i think) glasses Hiro was blushing. (*/∇\*)

But what is so interesting about this anime? Well...
Their group has a no-dating policy.

   Alright, enough introduction and first impressions. It started off with the summer festival and like the title of this episode, FIREWORKS. Readers, you have to watch this anime, because the art is beautiful.

   So after having fun and all, the whole group went to watch the fireworks together, drinking and eating snacks while doing so.

She's so adorable. ♡^▽^♡

   At some point, while Toko and Yanagi was playing a game and looking up at the fireworks, Toko experienced something like this.


   Everything went in slow motion. Apparently this is the scene where Takeru and Toko meet for the first time. However, it seemed like Takeru knows something, like I said, he's mysterious. He was the one who saw Toko, but when Toko turned, he was gone. 〈(゜。゜)

   So what happened next? Will they get to meet? I will post the second part after this because I still have lessons to pay attention to. (booo, i know) (ノ ̄д ̄)ノ

Signing off,

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