Sunday, July 27, 2014


   Hello readers! My sincerest apology for not posting these few days, due to having tests in school. Not only that, but I will be busy for the next two days especially. I won't be near my lappy (laptop) at all. *cries* Do excuse me just for these few days.

   Anyways, on a brighter side, TOKYO GHOUL IS AWESOME. I'm not really into gore anime but heck, Tokyo Ghoul is fighting for first place (which is Attack on Titan) in my "Awesome Anime List"!! Since I've already watched the first 3 episodes, let me give a brief comment on what I think about it.

Episode 1:
   It got me absorbed in it instantly. Especially all the intense scene like, Rize trying to kill him and also... Well, it was the most intense hamburger eating ever. And am I the only one who find it cool when he first opened his Ghoul eyes?!?

Love it.

Hamburger is so nice, he's crying. *giggle*

   Oh! And my favourite character? Kaneki, because well, I can't wait to see his transformation. And also Touka because she is one fierce girl/ghoul.

Episode 2:

   After each episode, it just keep on becoming better and better. Plus, the Opening song is too darn cool. Listening to it every time. Loudly. Anyways, what I really love in this episode was how Kaneki fight with Nishiki Nishio when he got mad at him. Damn, I'm loving Kaneki more and more, I scared my love for Attack on Titan 's Levi will fade. (Just kidding. I hope not. O_O)

ouh. So this is how it is without them censoring it...

   I forgot to mention how they actually censored it. That sucks. I mean, Attack on Titan wasn't censored.. *pout* This would've been more awesome is it wasn't censored.

Episode 3:

   Favourite scene? When Kaneki met Uta of course! Omg Uta is next on my list. He is so cute. I thought he would be those lonely but cool characters who won't talk to the main character much. But no. He exceeded my expectation. Love it!

Come back here you. Let me smell you.

   Well, that's all for now. I really apologise for the delay but i will try to post it asap whenever I can!

Signing off,

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