Sunday, July 13, 2014

DRAMAtical Murder Episode 1: Login

   Alright readers! I am most definitely going to spam today. ヽ(`◇´)/ So make sure you read all of them! First thing first, DRAMAtical Murder. What do I know about it? I know it's a hardcore yaoi game. And well. I'm not really a fan of yaoi. (Don't kill me!) o(>< )o But being myself, I'm curious. Yes, I know the anime will not show as much as the game itself. I'm aware. But I'm drawn to the hot guys. Teehee. Let's continue...

   Alright! I decided that I will do reviews for this so, my first reaction when I saw Aoba? Damn he's so blue, literally.... And I like blue.

   So apparently, episode 1 is always about introduction so next up we got to see his dog. Talking dog, Ren. He's a dog as an 'Allmate'. However he changes in 'Rhyme' status.

From cute, to...

Cool. (゜。゜)

   Moving on, we have a hot dark-haired character, Koujaku. Yes, I like him. He looks cool, AND he's a freelance hairdresser! (yeah, I'm not making any sense at all but hey, He can cut my hair anytime.) (*°∀°)=3 He is Aoba's childhood friend and well, looks like someone has a crush/likes Aoba.

"Well, even after he found out I was a guy, he still took care of jerks for me."

Look at how hot he is. (●♡∀♡)

   When he wanted to touch Aoba's long hair, he stopped. Probably because he was about to touch Aoba's skin.

   Moving on, there's Mizuki. He saved Aoba from a group of people who came to pick a fight with him, thinking Aoba is weak and that he is not in any teams. Don't know much about Mizuki though except that he wants Aoba to join in his Rib team, Dry Juice. And well, he looks promising in fighting people.

   After Aoba left him, he came across a Rhyme game that was happening. However, instead of coincidentally it felt like he got pulled into it.

   There, Aoba came across Virus and Trip. I'm sorry but instead of dark-haired characters, I actually have a thing for twins as well. (* ̄з ̄) Or should I say look alike? Because well.. They said they aren't. Well anyways, I loved how they gave that quick glance to each other. Damn. I like tiny details in an anime.

   After Rhyme was cut off because of the police, they split and ran off, saying goodbye. Lastly, Aoba accidentally bumped into a strange guy, whose name was not revealed because.. well... He didn't say anything and walked off. (; ̄д ̄)

   Anyways, to end the first episode off, someone forcefully challenged Aoba in a Rhyme game, to be more specific, a-person-with-a-bunny-head-and-doctor-outfit. Because of this we got to see Ren's Rhyme form as well as Aoba serious mode. Which is sexy. *giggle* w(°o°)w

   To end this off, I'm really curious about these remaining two...

Signing off,

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