Monday, July 21, 2014

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Episode 14

MissSaru: Like I said before, Raion will be moved here as well. should I call it "RaionTime"? Hmmm.. *thinks deeply* 

Hey, OtakuRaion here. Well this episode was quite a build up at the ending. Well, we all know how each episode there’s always a build up to the next episode. For example the cliff hangs and such. Great thing about this anime is that it keeps you hooked on. Anyways, well, it starts off the episode with Tatsuya being confronted by Cardinal George as well as the Crimson Prince who are both known as prodigies. 

Yes, yes he is. ( ´  ` )

Anyways, since Mitsui got past her semi-finals using her optical illusion magic to blind her opponents, all of ‘em decided to wear shades. Hahahahah. They’re kinda smart for doing so… WRONG! Well, obviously this genius always plans ahead. Tsk. Dumb Tatsuya, wish I could do that too.. pssh. Anyways, yeah, instead of blinding her opponents, Tatsuya knew they would all resort to wearing shades and took advantage of that by creating shadows on the water surface using Mitsui’s optical illusion magic to uhmm..

Well let’s let this guy explain.


Yes yes, what he said. Nahh, I’m just kidding. Simply said, she’s making the corners look wider so that her opponents will take the longer path in each corner while she takes the shorter one which gives her and advantage at all the corners. And ofcourse Tatsuya used the fact that they were all wearing shades to do this. With this, Mitsui won~~~ yeay!!!! (yeah, good for you Tatsuya, bet ur feeling smug right now huh. Pfft.)

Next up was Shizuku against Miyuki. I don’t really exactly know the spell names but this is what I can understand. Miyuki always starts off by freezing her pillars and heating up her opponents’.

Shizuku then tried to damage Miyuki’s pillars but she didn’t manage to put a single dent. So she took out another CAD and started dual wielding. She had mastered this new technique and used a high level spell to destroy one of Miyukis’ pillars called the Phonon Maser.

But Miyuki pulled out her absolutely ridiculously OP trump card. Casting a combo of Niflheim and Inferno. How this works is she covered Shizukus’ pillars with liquid nitrogen with Niflheim, a wide-range freezing magic then causing an explosion by lighting up the liquid nitrogen, destroying all of shizukus’ pillars in an instant. Seriously, way too OP.

Literally wiping out all of shizukus’ pillars in one shot.

Anyways, I will skip some parts. So lastly was the accident for the Monolith code. Apparently, first highs’ team was sabotaged and all three members participating the event got critcally injured and confined to bed.
Someone finally noticed the high possibility that Tatsuya was Taurus Silver. GOD! FINALLY!

Damn, she’s so cute, look at her shocked face after figuring it out. I just wanna pinch her cheek( ̄▽ ̄〜)

MissSaru: Raion stop being a perv. That emoji though... hahahaha.

And finally, Tatsuya was called in to participate in the Monolith code, she must have told the president about it. I cant wait to see how Tatsuya fights. Ooooooo~

Till next time ^~^
Signing off,


MissSaru: Raion-mander.

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