Sunday, July 13, 2014

Glasslip Episode 1: Fireworks (2)

 After the festival, the next day everyone was in a cafe. Apparently, some of them work there but that day it is Yukinari's shift. So everyone were chatting and Toko gave out charms that she bought yesterday to the girls.

Nothing much happened in this scene, except that we saw Sachi's cute side, and that we found out Hiro has a crush on her.

Awwe, that blush though. (*≧▽≦)

   So, if you were wondering what happened to that mysterious (hot) guy from before, well... Toko was in school, sketching a chicken/rooster. Yes, I refuse to call it "cock" after seeing a post on tumblr because IT IS HILARIOUS. (go see: click this ). (ノ^∇^) Apparently these chickens belong to the school and that they have a shift in who will be taking care of them.

Yes, she's THAT adorable. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

   Moving on, while she was sketching, someone was behind her..

"So it was you."

   Oh, damn. Even his figure is hot enough. (●♡∀♡) Yes, sorry, like I said I have a thing for dark-haired characters. Anyways, Toko went "David?"

   Ahhh~! Too darn kawaii! Back to business, Takeru has transferred to Toko's school. He asked what her name was and then he called Toko by her first name. 。◕‿◕。 As per usual, she blushed. When Takeru mentioned that he saw her at the festival, she didn't reply and moved to where the chickens were.

   Okay, then they started talking about chickens. Takeru suggested about putting them in cages if Tako finds it hard to draw them. She said that it would be cruel, which he pointed out that they get attacked by cats or... himself. And then Toko got angry (* ̄m ̄) (?) and take matters into her own hands. What did she do? Hmm....

   It's not just her though. She dragged the rest into it, and of course everyone but Yanagi was okay with it. The next day, they gathered at the normal cafe, Yanagi in shift now. So they asked Toko what made her decide to take the chickens in.

"Um... A transfer student... He's a third year and looks like David..."
"You mean me?"

   Yep, he unexpectedly appeared out of nowhere. But what's more unexpected to me was how the others reacted. My first reaction was, "What are their problem? Then don't have to be so b*tchy." (¬д¬。)


"Toko, I saw what you saw that day."

p.s: Hontou Gomena minna for the late post. I'll do my best to post daily!!! >_<

Signing off,

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