Saturday, May 24, 2014

Skip Beat Manga (c211)

Hello readers! It's a Saturday and ... I have swollen jaw. Gum. Whatever you call it. And it's making my right cheek look like it's going to explode. I'm just joking. Of course it won't. But my cheeks already look like I stuffed takoyaki in it so you can just visualize how it looks like right now.  Probably like Grell here. ↓

Anywhale, first off I should write about my favourite Manga, Skip Beat! The RAWS are out but I'm waiting "patiently" for the english translations. Scrolling through Facebook Skip Beat group and I saw the handsome Ren/Kuon:

I cannot wait anymore. At this point of time, he already told Kyoko about his story, and like any other "fairy" you have to disappear after you kiss the one you love right? no? ♥(ノ´∀`) So, after the translated chapter is out, I will talk more about it. 

P.S: for those who have no idea what Skip Beat! is or what it's about, i highly recommend you read it or to make is easier you can go ahead and watch the anime. When you're done you can continue with the manga. The manga is absolutely beautiful, touching, full of emotions and of course, still ongoing. *pout* (-ε- ) But once a chapter is out you will never be disappointed. 

Signing off,

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