Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Gokukoku no Brynhildr: Episode 8

   Okairi Readers! Yes, I did not go to school. Instead, I'm nomming on some butterscotch bread and typing away here.             ( ̄ー ̄) So, as stated, I will be talking about Gokukkoku no Brynhildr a.k.a Brynhildr in the Darkness. Basically this anime belongs to the Sci-fi, Fantasy and Mystery genre. There's witches, aliens and girls-turned-into-badass-machines. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

   Anywhale, this episode continues where they left off where Murakami received a message from someone to kill the witches, in order to obtain tablets which the witches have to live on. If you don't know, he already befriends 4 of them, one is his childhood friend (Kuroneko) whom he felt responsible for her death. However, Kuroneko upon being turned into a witch, got her memories tampered with and thus she does not remember him.o(╥﹏╥)o

   Now back to the episode, sorry I got carried away. (シ_ _)シ Basically, Murakami went alone to obtain these pills for the witches. As per usual, trouble comes knocking on his door and this time it was the police. What will happen to him? ( ・◇・)?I will let you to go check it out himself!

   Personally this episode was funny because... (Here's some hilarious scene with Murakami and Kazumi)
   And what comes after these types of situation in anime? YES, the guy always accidentally gets on top of the girl.         (`ー´)
   I don't know if it's just me but do you think these situations ALWAYS come up in shoujo anime? ヾ(☆▽☆) ↓  Take for example:...
 Skip Beat

La Corda d'oro
And even High School of the Dead...

   I'm just kidding, but really, I'm right aren't I? (人´∀`*) Now to end this post on a "serious" note, let's wonder who this mysterious witch set out to find them is... (^_-)

Signing off,

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