Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Kuroshitsuji Book of Circus Episode 2

   My deepest apologies, readers. (シ_ _)シ Gomenasai for the very late post. I've been busy the past few days so, in order to catch up quickly, I will give a quick review, like what I had done with SAO. So, lets continue!

   Episode 2:

   In this episode, they Ciel and Sebastian made their way to the town to watch the Circus. They were on this case because the Circus had been the reason for missing children. Well, that was their hypothesis for now. So, Ciel and Sebastian "stole" (they call it 'borrow') the papers about this case from the police/investigators, and showed it to the Undertaker. But he will only give them the information he knows if Ciel entertain him.

That drool though...

(Sweating) Ciel actually made him laugh. DAYUM. I wanna know what he did so badly. I'm just as curious as Sebastian is:

How cute is Sebby's face?? That worried look! *dies*

   Anyways, moving on, The Undertaker didn't actually have any information about the Circus and they were like "Excuse me??" Either ways they made their way to the circus itself to find these awesome characters:

   I love Joker and Snake the most. Why? I don't know. I like weird characters. Oh, and Doll too. There's like something mysterious about them. But my favourite is still Sebastian and... CATS.

   That's all for now. I actually wrote this post yesterday. But it didn't manage to save. So I have to rewrite this in class. *sigh* Gomenasai.. *goes corner and cries* I will write more after school today. Don't kill me.

Signing off,

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