Friday, December 5, 2014

Kiseijuu / Parasyte Episode 10: What Mad Universe

   Welcome back readers! I apologise for the late post, since I was busy with a project (and still am). Anyways, it's Friday! Why not I reward myself for surviving the past 5 days in school by watching Kiseijuu? Yep, the title suits perfectly for this episode.

   The whole episode was quite intense. Another massacre, which means dead bodies everywhere~ The whole episode was gore but I'm fine with it. I feel like it makes up for some animes (*ahem* like Tokyo Ghoul) which censored like, 90% of the whole scene.

   Moving on, apparently Shimada (Alien/Parasyte Guy) went berserk due to a paint thinner, and we all know whose the one that's gonna kill him. Can I just say I just LOVE this scene? So awesomeeee.

   Oh, and when he threw that stone? Kinda reminded me of someone.. The blue-haired character, with awesome passes in basketball...

Kuroko Tetsuya of course !!! (from Kuroko no Basuke)

   Back to the topic (teehee) I had to replay that scene because I just love replaying cool scenes. Don't mind me. Anyways, not wanting to spoil it for you readers too much, you NEED to watch this. Let's have an appreciation picture of Shinichi before I end this off.

Seeyu soon!

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