Monday, May 26, 2014

Nisekoi: Last Episode of Season 1

   I'm back readers! And I caught up with the animes in my list which were updated today. First thing first, short story of how I am: After taking out my 3rd round of cotton swabs in my mouth, I managed to eat whatever I want even though the numbness spread up to my right ear. I DON'T CARE. WHEN I'M HUNGRY ONLY FOOD MATTERS. (≧σ≦) Anyhoos, its hard to accept the fact that I'm missing a molar for my whole remaining life. *sobs* i feel so bad for its pair (the one at the top). o(╥﹏╥)o

   Speaking of pair, my favourite pair is Chitoge and Raku! The whole episode was fantastic.(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) After their misunderstanding and fight, the pair continued their Romeo and Juliet play. You would think it would be some romantic play? Hell no! This would be the most awesome-st R&J play ever!

   With many "obstacles" Romeo Raku has to go through to meet his Juliet Chitoge, he cleared them all spectacularly and had me laughing my butt-- no, tooth off! (I wish it was a figure of speech (T_T) ) Oh, by obstacles I meant Raku's friend, Shu, improvising R&J play on the spot. Here's the gist of it:

   Totally hilarious and cute, you HAVE to watch this anime. You're missing out a lot if you don't. The plot, the art, the comedy and the romance? It's fabulous~(●´∀`)ノ♡

   Anywhale, they should have just end it off with Chitoge and Raku. Why? because I am #TeamChitoge. Totally biased. *chuckles* I'm just joking. Of course they need to show Onodera as well because she's equally important as the original Juliet, but she sprained her ankle. *cough* I prefer ending it with Chitoge *cough*.(* ̄з ̄)

   That is all for now and I hope season 2 will come much sooner. Tanoshimi!ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ I can't wait! Now to end it off, ...

Signing off,

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