Saturday, January 24, 2015


   Yes readers, I'm not dead yet (surprisingly). Gomenasai readers. I've been busy with school, even though I had time watching some animes... Yeap. You must be thinking "So, write about it!" Alright alright. I admit, I'm am pretty darn lazy. Very pretty darn lazy.

   Anywhale, moving on, this post is just to update you readers on what I am currently watching and (probably) will write about it when I have the time to.

So many awesome anime ♥
- Shigatsu wa kimi no uso
- Kiseijuu
- Tokyo Ghoul Root A
- Death Parade
- Kuroko No Basuke 3

   Well, that's all for now. I saw Death Parade episode 3. Gonna watch it now~ ♥
