Welcome back readers! Just as promised
(well, I didn't exactly did so but oh well), it's my first review after a long time! Readers who loves shoujo/romance genre, you have got to watch this already. Though, I'm pretty sure you already are.
Well, since this is the first time I'm writing about this anime, sorry about it but I'll start from the latest released episode. After watching this episode, can I just say Sata Kyouya is so mean and rude, yet he can be so darn sweet. I can't recall the number of times I hated and love him after, it happened a lot to be honest.
Moving on, this whole episode? I love it so much. At times I can relate to it, and some scenes are just too funny I couldn't control my laughter.
(Yes, I watched it during class and I hope nobody was judging me.) This episode kinda had two parts. The first part was when they went on a date together to watch the cherry blossom
(I want a date like this too, please).
Mainly Erika was being like a kid. Okay, I'm sorry I said that but seriously though, wanting to do "what couples do", and being all "lovey dovey"
(till the point of puking). I didn't mind Kyouya getting annoyed. I mean really. Erika should take into consideration how Kyouya is.

He wasn't the type to do such stuffs. So they got into an argument and Kyouya being in his usual "jerk" mode, told Erika to ride the boat herself.
While both of them went to cool their heads off and figuring out the matters themselves, I can't stop having the "OMG he understands" feeling when I saw how Kyouya was in front of some couples.
Anyways, I don't want to spoil much for you readers but I just cracked up at this part:
-- after a moment of silence --
Kyouya: Erika .. [ open his mouth . ]
Erika: What are you doing ? Your mouth's open, you know .
Kyouya: Because I opened it .
The trolling moment of Erika crack my bone so hard. Anyways, soon after Erika fed him a takoyaki (omfg i love takoyaki), and then she got so happy. The second part of the episode introduces a new male character. Looks like a storm is coming.. Readers! You HAVE to watch this. ♥
~sudden realisation~
There's not even a single picture of Erika. Hmm.. Let's appreciate this kokoro-clenching moment from the previous episode shall we?
Till then,